Monday, August 27, 2012

Success, Mind Formatting the Religious Way

Due to misconception in the church teachings which has become a tradition to majority of religions, people become fearful of going to hell with regards to matters related to money. Of course there are many basic needs in life, but try to talk about riches the mode of people change because everyone tries to pretend of being religious by avoiding money. Why we speak about money? because this is a hot issue.

Common  Verses about Riches

Blessed are the poor in spirit (Mat. 5:3). This verse talks about spiritual aspect not material. It pertains generally either beggar or rich people who has not yet received and follow Jesus they are the same poor in spirit and need salvation. So if they humble themselves and recognized their need of God then they will be blessed.

Mat 6:19  "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth". This verse means someone who is gathering treasures for the sake of accumulating massive amount of wealth without purpose. 
Someone who does this is really doing wastefully because when he die he will leave it all.

But if someone plans properly so that he can provide the necessities of his family, give proper education to children and prepare their future, help God's ministries and missions, help the community then this person is not gathering wealth but he is using the wealth of God to be blessings to his own family and to other people. He having demonstrated to be a good person as a believer of God might show light to others that to believe in God is always on the advantages side. This was demonstrated by all people of God in the scriptures all of them were rich. 

1Jo 2:15  Do not love the world or the things in the world. This verse talks about love, not simply love but a kind of love which is greater than loving God. The bottom line here is the attitude of rejecting God. Even if someone is not rich but if he believes himself or the nature more than believing God then God's anger will be upon him. This is the reason why Satan and all his followers were cast away from God's kingdom because they ignore God. 

But if we use the blessings to exalt God then in this way God would be glorified. We buy shoes, mobile phone, car and good houses not because we love them but because they are necessary while we live. Loving them is a different issue.

We must never be confused the word "materialism" from " building ourselves for life's challenges". We don't have problem with materialism, it's up to someone if he is capable to poses anything, it is his right as long as he will not violate the rights of others. What we are dealing is our problem. We have huge  problem and to be a victim of those is fatal. The problem of poverty, diseases and poor mentality. If we ignore these realities we will obviously be heading towards the terrible suffering of pain and other evils. Our only option is to act by building ourselves with totality; mental, emotional, physical and financial preparations. If we remain ignoring them then we must not question why this suffering is so prevailing. God has already given us the complete tools, skills, people, technology and opportunities.

Try to listen preacher Bo Sanhez experience why he changed to become rich.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Success Anti Virus 2

Why someone's belief is essential to his prosperity?

Success experts emphasize much that belief is the root cause of success or failure. Belief will control us why we do or not do certain thing.

We can innumerate champions in any field of sports; boxing, great singers, mountain climbers, swimmers all of them believed that they could do it. If they lack confidence the coach is there to build them up otherwise these athletes would quit.

This belief caused them to build up themselves everyday, they do extensive research for technique and strategies, develop their muscles and their stamina, mental and emotional and in all aspects.

Consistently and consistently they elevate their status and then one day they are surprise that they have already attained the point that they have been dreaming of. A calculator must be cleared first before you can proceed with another calculation. It is very true with our mind, we must remove all negative thoughts so that when it is done nothing will hinder us to do our best.

Listen to this video and get the main thing of his discussion.

In this video below a lame young lady is said that she was able not only to walk but she became champion.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Success Anti Virus 1

Most people are confused in their mind, they do not know which way to choose. Whether to escape from poverty or to follow the teaching "to live an ordinary simple living is noble". 

People are dying in illness, pain, hunger and degradation because they are poor and helpless. Yet if we ask them to strive for better still they would answer, no I don't need progress because I want to stay religious.They thought if you have money you are not godly. Their vision became blurd almost unable to identify their left from their right.

You try to answer this question, do you have a nice dream for your family?  Don't you want to pursue this dream, why not?

All of us want to pursue our dreams and be happy with our families, but there are some mind viruses which contradicts our intention such as; money is not necessary, money can't buy happiness, prosperous people are bad all these sayings are false and have no sense. They are scapegoats of people who have lost hope from pursuing their dreams. 

In essence we do not need money, what we wanted is a better life. When we obtained those dreams then we don't need money anymore.

But now we are much farther from what we want in life so those false sayings are not applicable to us. 

You might be suffering in your situation, in work, harsh treatment in your job or whatever cases but still you continue and keep patient because you need to sustain your family, you needed money.  

There is a way out from that situation. Look up you have some potentials in you.  God has given you skills and ability so that you can enjoy life instead of sufferings as others misunderstood that it is God's will to suffer. So many are these false principles which people around us put into our mind that hold us from moving out from difficulties.

Remove all false teachings and replace them with the truth. Listen to the successful people who wanted to share their knowledge, the genious,  doctors of psychology, the classic knowledge for ancient people, they have the key towards the better life.

Listen to this classic principles how to rise above failures.

The way you picture yourself is the same life that will happen to you. So if you start putting new quality into your inner person, sooner you will become that person as you wanted. If you picture yourself someone who has achieve success and start doing everyday for that goal, very positively you will obtain it.

Free yourself from all negative emotions. Forgive yourself and others.

You can be your own plastic surgeon of your inner person by removing all the negative thoughts and feelings that control you and be free into the life that you wanted to be.

Mind has power it can command your senses and send messages to your nerves whatever thing you wanted to do. So if you put positive things in your mind it will process. Act upon it and then you can attain your dreams.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Key Secret To Financial Success

It is very obvious that this is time of crisis. But did we observe that while majority are affected others were not so, Why is this?

Knowing the principle is the Key and Doing on that Principle.

Just take a look on this presentation and get the core thing what it says. If you can apply it, then you can elevate your life.  

This video below says that 72% in America become millionaire by doing business, 25% only from being employee. He said that home based business are making people rich. He sights many advantages that people should know about;

Below is another video telling that we could become a great employee but the limitation comes when you reached the retirement age, so your hard work for many years is gone, your retirement fee could be consumed in one or two years only. While if you own a business you are the boss nobody tells you irritable words, you can pass it also to your children.